Graham Kingsley Brown - Artist & Poet, 1932 - 2011
Graham woodcarving in his studio in Bideford, North Devon. See About Graham K Brown for a biography.
Welcome to this showcase of a selection of original artwork by Graham Kingsley Brown, who was born in Kingston upon Hull, and lived, for the latter part of his life in North Devon, England. Most of his artistic output has never been exhibited, some is in private collections. Graham was a unique individual, wholly self-taught, and producing works entirely from his prodigious imagination and skill in painting, drawing, sculpture - and poetry. Contact Sophie for any enquiries.
Visit the Curator's Diary for a blog to read features and articles by Graham's daughter Sophie.
Latest article: "Art flying off the shelves - in Dad's Own County".
Five paintings, each new to market, and distinctive, rare examples of their style have been consigned to the Spring Art Sale at David Duggleby Fine Art Auctioneers to take place on 14th March 2025, with works on display from the 11th March at Vine Street Sale Rooms in Scarborough. Further information on these pieces will be available as the catalogue comes online in due course.
Woodcarvings available to view in the Sculpture Gallery, including the rare painted woodcarvings in Gallery 4.
AT AUCTION:"Siren Rock" - one of Graham's most significant oil paintings on board 60 x 65cm, dating from 1985 will be in the Spring Art Sale on 14th March 2025.. SOLD (BELOW): "La Mer" Oil painting on board 55cm x 38cm.
Handwritten Excerpt from writings:
"109 Partial Truths".
"I know a man who wrote a poem:
This poem in fact.
He is every inch a bard;
Like Abelard.
His head is racked
With genius.
No man can pierce
Like he,
The mystery of me.
He is indeed
A man to read
A man of fame.
My name's the same:
Just one:
Graham's Oeuvre
Click on "About Graham K. Brown" for a biography, and "Curator's Diary" for our blog.
For 2 dimensional paintings and drawings in acrylic, oil, collage, pen and ink etc see: "Paintings", "Cut outs" "Drawings". Click on "Abstract Studies" to see a sample gallery of abstract surreal drawings, produced during the years 1992 - 1996 - These drawings have never been shown before.
A selection of painted objects, including tiles, breadboards, stones and furniture is illustrated here, "Painted Tiles" "Objets d'Art". For 3 dimensional sculpture, woodcarvings, see: "Sculpture".
And for Graphic design: an additional category "Design"shows poster and leaflet designs for a community environmental programme Graham produced over a couple of years.
And for poetry, which includes a few readings and texts see "Poetry and Prose".
Graham at Burton Art Gallery Cafe in Bideford, North Devon - a favourite meeting place for his circle of artists and writers.